Posted in Awesome Apps, traditional topics, non-traditional teaching

If Hancock Could Have Tweeted

As the fifth and sixth graders round out the Spring 2016 Social Studies, we find ourselves studying American Patriots and Greek Heroes and Legends. What better way to create relevance than to plop them onto a social media site?! Or at least a pseudo-social media site.

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We are having them fill out the basic information first: The birth places, the approximate year of birth (the aristocrats had birth certificates, the commoners, not so much) the “networks” (Daughters of the Revolution, Boston Tea Partiers) before filling out their favorite TV shows and movies (Game of Thrones? Lincoln?) The actual transferring of the written research content to electronic format will be a learning curve.. and, oh, with the sixth graders I have been creating tweets from famous historical personalities and asking the fifth and sixth graders to guess who they are:

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5th grade:

I’ve changed my mind. I’d really prefer you just give me liberty.

@Jefferson Honestly, do you think my signature is too big? I don’t want it to stick out.

@Clark have u seen this? ugh. Last six months, wasted.

6th Grade

@Poseidon, Does this skirt make me look fat? Oh, man. I keep forgetting. #turntostone

@persephone.Did you feed Cerberus this morning? I don’t want to go near the Styx.

I’m bored today, let’s go start a war. @ZeusHey dad, can I borrow some thunder bolts?